Edwards, former TEARA Vice President died suddenly on March
20, 2008 of cardiac arrest just two weeks after the passing of his wife
Gail. Bill,
who held the call K4BWC, was also a long time member of the
TEARA VE Team and founding member of the Smithchart Amateur Radio
Society. In addition, he served in a number of ARRL Division
offices and was the owner of Omega Electronics International, an
amateur HF amplifier sales and repair business. He also started
and was president of the Capital Area Repeater Society. (CARS)
that operates several local repeaters. Bill was licensed for over fifty years. While
much more could be written concerning his achievements in amateur
radio, those of us who knew him well will remember him for his
friendship and irrepressible sense of humor. We will miss his wit
and wisdom as he held forth at his many favorite eateries, in his
shop, and at TEARA VE sessions. The amateur radio community has lost a great advocate, and TEARA
has lost a great friend. Click HERE to hear the W4FAL tribute to Bill.
Norman Young
nearly a nine months, the Delta Loop has returned. We hope to
resume publication on a more or less monthly basis, with perhals a
slghtly leaner format. We welcome all comments, gripes, etc, but
most of all, we welcome news or items of interest to TEARA members and
the amateur community. This first issue of the year is a modest
beginning, but we have big plans, so stay tuned!
TEARA Website Updated!

Dave, WB4IUY, has begun a massive reworking and updating of the TEARA website.
Much outdated information has been removed, and many new features
have been added, incuding a newsletter archive and recent field day
pictures. The site also now links into the TEARA VE Team website as well. This is still a work in progress, so be sure to check it out, and if you find anything that needs to be corrected, drop Dave an email.
has been underway for some time now to bring the 440 repeater in
Zebulon back up to speed. It has also been linked to the two
meter repeater on an experimental basis. For the latest updates
to this project, visit the TEARA website. Click on "Bulletins" and then "Repeater Bulls" for the latest updates.

The weekly TEARA net meets every Tuesday night at 8:30 PM, except on meeting night on
the 147.39+ PL 88.5 repeater in Clayton and the 442.400+ repeater in
Zebulon. These repeaters are linked full time, and the net runs through
both repeaters simultaneously. A designated club member serves as Net
Control and runs the TEARA net . For additional information, visit the TEARA website.
Triangle East Amateur Radio Association (TEARA) is pleased to announce
its 2008 schedule for amateur radio examinations. Exams are given
the third Saturday of every month except July and December at 9:30 a.m.
at the Red Cross office in Smithfield, North Carolina. The Red
Cross is located at 801 South Third Street in downtown Smithfield.
For 2008, the dates are:
January 19 February 16 March 15 April 19 May 17 June 21
*** No session in July
August 16 September 20 October 18 November 15
*** No session in December
For directions and other useful information, visit the TEARA VE Team website or via the TEARA website.